The Volusia County Farm Bureau invites young people to show their talents and earn some cash. Each year, the local Farm Bureau hosts a Youth Speech Contest. The contest pays cash prizes and it opens the door into the regional and state-level speech competition.
Who qualifies to compete? Students both in public schools and home-based schools can apply to participate.
The student must be a resident of Volusia County.Students must be at least 14 years old and not more than 18 by September 26, 2025.
No Farm Bureau membership is required. There is no cost to enter. The 2025 Youth Speech Contest topic is: “What obstacles threaten Florida agriculture’s economic viability, and how do we address them?”
Students must prepare a five-minute speech on the selected topic and deliver it in front of members of the Volusia County Farm Bureau board of directors and other invited guests in April (please check back for the date) at the Farm Bureau office boardroom, 3090 E. New York Ave., DeLand.
Winners are selected based on content, how well the student demonstrates knowledge of the topic, accuracy of information, effective delivery, clarity and expression.
County-level winners will move on to the District contest.
County winners receive $300, $250 and $200 respectively for first, second and third place. The first-place winner moves on to District competition. Winners of the District competition go to the State championship held during the Florida Farm Bureau Annual Meeting at the end of October. Prizes there are $500 for first place and $250 for second.
The Volusia County Farm Bureau is always on the lookout for talented young speakers. Call Amanda Tyler at 386-734-1612 or Amanda.tyler@ffbf.orgto register or for more information.