Fairgrounds Gets Public Input for Improvements

By Steve Crump, Volusia County Farm Bureau Executive Director

Approximately 35 people attended a public input meeting June 16 to consider and suggest ways to improve the Volusia County Fairgrounds for the future.

At the meeting Brad Burbaugh, Volusia County’s Director of Resource Stewardship, explained that the “fairground complex” is comprised of four separate owners; University of IFAS Extension, Volusia County Farm Bureau, Volusia Cattlemen’s Association, and the Volusia County Fair Association all located there. He said Volusia County may be the only county in the state with this close cooperation and shared mission to promote agriculture through education. This makes our county unique. He also noted the fairgrounds central location and open space is a valuable resource and gave the example of how it was used during the pandemic for COVID testing and vaccinations.

Director of Volusia County Extension, Kalan Taylor, told the group Volusia County Council has earmarked $750,000 received from the federal government for making improvements to the complex. She intends to seek additional matching funding from the Florida Department of Agriculture. “I look forward to working with all four property owners and the UF team to expand our outreach and to provide accessibility for all members of our community,” said Taylor.

The public was then invited to give their input on possible improvements in two ways: by drawing or writing their ideas on large maps and by “voting” on previously identified needs. The proposal that got the most votes was the need for land acquisition to expand the fairgrounds. Proposals also receiving high scores were to strengthen structures, add outdoor lighting, and improve signage. Notes on the maps indicated a need for improved accessibility and traffic flow throughout the complex, upgraded restrooms and enhanced drainage. Other suggestions were to include a drone course and a radio control car racing course.

The ideas gathered from the community will be relayed to University of Florida’s College of Architecture staff who are commissioned to prepare a master plan for the fairground complex.